In this tutorial, we are going to build a Telegram chatbot capable of performing optical character recognition (OCR). Telegram is a cloud-based mobile and desktop messaging app with a focus on security and speed. Optical Character Recognition (OCR) is the process of electronically extracting text from images, videos, or any type of documents.
To build this Telegram bot we are going to use Node.js with the following modules telegraf, node-tesseract-ocr, node-ffmpeg, dotenv, and Axios.
is a Telegram bot framework that makes the development of bots easy and straightforwardnode-tesseract-ocr
is a Node.js wrapper for the Tesseract OCR API. Tesseract
is an OCR engine that is able to extract text from various media formats. We will use this module to extract text from imagesnode-ffmpeg
is a FFmpeg module for Node. This library provides a set of functions and utilities to abstract command-line usage of FFmpeg. FFmpeg is a collection of libraries and tools to process multimedia content such as audio, video, subtitles, and related metadata. We will use this module to extract a frame from a video, so that we can then use Tesseract to extract text from said framedotenv
is a Node.js module that loads environment variables from a .env
file into process.env
. We will use this module to store our bot credentialsaxios
is a module that provides us a promise-based HTTP client for the browser and Node.js. We will use this module to download images to a folder located in our serverAt the end of this tutorial, you will have a bot that can extract text from images and videos sent to it.
In order to follow this tutorial, you will need to:
In this tutorial, we are going to use telegraf
to build our bot, telegraf
allows us to create two types of bots:
whenever a user sends a message saying ping
Our OCR bot falls under the complex type, and in order to build it we will divide the bot logic into scenes
. You can think of scenes
as different isolated conversations that may happen between a bot and a user, commands in a scene will only be available when the user enters that specific scene. We are going to divide our bot into two independent scenes imageScene
and the videoScene.
The imageScene
will reside in the imageScene.js
file. This scene is where the user will ask the bot to extract text from an image. The workflow will be:
to extract text from the received imageThe videoScene
will reside in the videoScene.js
file, this scene is where the user will ask the bot to extract text from a frame in a video, the workflow will be:
, then the bot uses tesseract
to extract text from the imageWhen a user sends a file to a Telegram bot, the file is stored in Telegram’s server, not in our server, in order to get the file sent by the user we will create a script called fileManager.js
this script will be responsible for downloading and deleting the files sent by the user.
We are going to put the code responsible for performing OCR in a file called ocr.js
, this file will contain the method to perform OCR, and the method to extract a specific frame from a video.
We will have a file called main.js
which will be responsible for running our bot, given the user input enters the imageScene
or videoScene
In this section, we discussed our bot logic, in the next step we are going to create our working directory.
In this step, we will create a working directory for our bot and install the necessary libraries.
Open a terminal window and write the following commands:
mkdir ocr-bot && cd ocr-bot
With the commands above we have created our working directory named ocr-bot
and we changed directory into it.
In the terminal run the following command:
mkdir -p scenes tmp/{images,videos}
With the command above we have created the following directories:
, this is where we will store all the scenes
for our bottmp
, this is where we will store temporarily the files sent to the bot, the images
subdirectory is where the images will be stored and videos
subdirectory is where the videos will be storedIn the terminal run the following command:
npm init -y
With the command above we have created a new Node project, now it’s time to install the necessary dependencies to make our bot.
In the terminal run the following command:
npm install telegraf node-tesseract-ocr ffmpeg dotenv axios --save
In this section, we have created the working directory, created, and activated our Node project, and installed the necessary libraries. In the next step, we will register our bot.
In this step we are going to register our bot in telegram
, in order to do that, we first need to contact the BotFather, which is a bot that is used to create new bot accounts and manage your existing bots.
Open your favorite Telegram client, search for @BotFather
and start the chat. Send /newbot
command and follow the instructions sent by the BotFather:
After choosing your bot name and username you will receive a message containing your access token:
In the terminal window create a file called .env
nano .env
We will use the .env
file created above to store the access token sent by BotFather and the username you chose for the bot.
Add the following to the .env
bot_token = "Your bot token"
In this section, we have registered our bot using BotFather and saved our bot credentials to a .env
file. In the next step, we are going to create the file responsible for running the bot.
In this step we are going to create our main bot file, this file will be called main.js
. In this file, we are going to import the necessary modules to create and manage a bot.
Run the following command in the terminal:
nano main.js
Inside the main.js
file add the following code:
const Telegraf = require('telegraf') const session = require('telegraf/session') const Stage = require('telegraf/stage') const Markup = require('telegraf/markup') require('dotenv').config()
In the block of code above, we have required the telegraf
module and its classes that we are going to use to create and manage the bot, and we also required the dotenv
module that we are going to use to get our BOT_TOKEN
stored in the .env
In the bottom of the main.js
file add the following code:
const imageScene = require('./scenes/imageScene').imageScene const videoScene = require('./scenes/videoScene').videoScene const bot = new Telegraf(process.env.BOT_TOKEN) const stage = new Stage([imageScene, videoScene]) bot.use(session()) bot.use(stage.middleware())
In the block of code above, we required our bot scenes
and videoScene
) then we used the BOT_TOKEN
that BotFather sent and created a new bot
instance and assigned it to a variable called bot
. After creating a new bot
instance we created a new Stage
object and assigned it to a variable called stage
. Inside this object, we stored the scenes
for our bot. Lastly, we passed the session
and stage
object to the bot
In the bottom of the main.js
file add the following code:
bot.start((ctx) => { let userFirstName = ctx.message.from.first_name let message = ` Hello master ${userFirstName}, i am OCR bot your humble servant. \n Where would you like to extract text from ?` let options = Markup.inlineKeyboard([ Markup.callbackButton('Extract from 🖼️', 'extractFromImage'), Markup.callbackButton('Extract from 🎬', 'extractFromVideo'), ]).extra() ctx.reply(message, options) }) bot.action('extractFromImage', Stage.enter('imageScene')) bot.action('extractFromVideo', Stage.enter('videoScene')) bot.launch()
In the block of code above, we have created the method responsible for responding to the user when they send a message containing the command /start
. Once this command is triggered the code retrieves the user’s first name and stores it in a variable called userFirstName
Using the userFirstName
, we create a message that greets and asks the user where they would like to extract text from. Inside this message, we pass the available options that the user can choose from, these options will reside inside an inlineKeyboard
(this is how we create buttons in the same line using telegraf
The available options are extract text from an image or extract text from a video; if the user chooses one of these options, a bot.action
will be triggered. If the user chooses the Extract from 🖼️
option, the bot will enter the imageScene
, and if the user chooses Extract from 🎬
, the bot will enter the videoScene
Lastly, we launched our bot by calling the bot.launch()
method. The main.js
should now look like the following:
const Telegraf = require('telegraf') const session = require('telegraf/session') const Stage = require('telegraf/stage') const Markup = require('telegraf/markup') require('dotenv').config() const imageScene = require('./scenes/imageScene').imageScene const videoScene = require('./scenes/videoScene').videoScene const bot = new Telegraf(process.env.BOT_TOKEN) const stage = new Stage([imageScene, videoScene]) bot.use(session()) bot.use(stage.middleware()) bot.start((ctx) => { let userFirstName = ctx.message.from.first_name let message = ` Hello master ${userFirstName}, i am OCR bot your humble servant. \n Where would you like to extract text from ?` let options = Markup.inlineKeyboard([ Markup.callbackButton('Extract from 🖼️', 'extractFromImage'), Markup.callbackButton('Extract from 🎬', 'extractFromVideo'), ]).extra() ctx.reply(message, options) }) bot.action('extractFromImage', Stage.enter('imageScene')) bot.action('extractFromVideo', Stage.enter('videoScene')) bot.launch()
In this section, we have created our bot, added a listener for the /start
command that will give the user a choice to enter a scene
, and then we launched our bot. In the next step, we are going to create the file responsible for managing the imageScene
In this step, we are going to create the scene responsible for managing the interaction with the user when they want to extract text from an image. In order to do that we will have to create a file called imageScene.js
In the terminal run the following command to navigate to the scenes
cd scenes
Now run the following command to create the imageScene.js
nano imageScene.js
Add the following code inside the imageScene.js
const WizardScene = require('telegraf/scenes/wizard') const Composer = require('telegraf/composer') const fileManager = require('../fileManager') const OCR = require('../ocr')
In the code of block above, we have required the WizardScene
and Composer
from telegraf
. We are going to use the WizardScene
to create a scene
object and the Composer
to create the steps
for the scene
. When using the WizardScene
we divide the code logic for a scene
into steps
Lastly, we required the fileManager.js
and ocr.js
file and assigned them to the fileManager
and ocr
object. Please note that we haven’t created these files yet, but we will create them later in this tutorial.
Add the following code to the bottom of the imageScene.js
const step1 = (ctx) => { ctx.reply('Send me the image') return }
In the block of code above, we created step1
, this step will be the first to run when the bot enters the imageScene
, in this step, the bot asks the user to send the image containing the text that the user wants to extract and then moves to the next step by calling
Add the following code to the bottom of the imageScene.js
const step2 = new Composer() step2.on('photo', async (ctx) => { ctx.reply('I have received the image please wait while i extract the text') let photos = const { file_id: fileId } = photos[photos.length - 1] const { file_unique_id: fileUniqueId } = photos[photos.length - 1] const fileUrl = await ctx.telegram.getFileLink(fileId); let imagePath = await fileManager.downloadFile(fileUrl, fileUniqueId, 'Image') });
In the block of code above, we created the step2
, and added a listener to it, that will listen to any incoming messages containing images sent by the user by using on('photo',...)
When the bot receives a message containing an image, the bot sends a message to the user saying that the image was received, the bot will extract from the message the image’s fileId
and fileUniqueId
values. We use the fileId
to get the link to the image stored in the Telegram’s server, and then we store the link to the image in a variable called fileUrl
We pass the fileUrl
and the fileUniqueId
to the downloadFile()
method in fileManager
. This method will download the image and then return the path where the image was stored locally. After the downloadFile()
method returns, we store the path to the image in a variable called imagePath
Add the following code to the bottom of the step2.on('photo',…)
step2.on('photo', async (ctx) => { . . . let text = await OCR.extractText(imagePath) fileManager.deleteFile(imagePath) if (text != 'Empty') { ctx.replyWithHTML(`The extracted text is: \n <b>${text}</b>`) } else { ctx.reply(`Sorry we couldn't extract any text from the image`) } ctx.reply('Lets try this again , please send me another image') const currentStepIndex = ctx.wizard.cursor return ctx.wizard.selectStep(currentStepIndex) });
In the block of code above, we pass the imagePath
to the extractText()
method in OCR
. The extractText()
will extract text from the image located in the imagePath
and then return the extracted text.
After the extractText()
method returns, we store the extracted text in a variable called text
. We delete the image stored by passing the imagePath
to the deleteFile()
method in fileManager
After deleting the image, we check if the text
is not equal to Empty
. If that is the case, the bot sends a reply to the user containing the extracted text in a bold format (telegraf
allow us to send HTML back to the user by using the .replyWithHTML()
method.) If that is not the case, the bot asks the user to send another image.
Lastly, we retrieve the current step, store it in a variable called currentStepIndex
, and make the bot remain in the same step by using wizard.selectStep()
. This way, the user can send another image without having to render this scene.
Add the following code to the bottom of the imageScene.js
step2.command('cancel', (ctx) => { ctx.reply('Bye bye') return ctx.scene.leave() }) const imageScene = new WizardScene('imageScene', (ctx) => step1(ctx), step2, ) module.exports = { imageScene }
In the block of code above, we added in step2
a listener for the command /cancel
that will send a reply saying Bye
and then leave the imageScene
. We created the imageScene
object and added all the steps created previously. Lastly, we exported imageScene
so that we can use it in the main.js
The imageScene.js
should look like the following:
const WizardScene = require('telegraf/scenes/wizard') const Composer = require('telegraf/composer') const fileManager = require('../fileManager') const OCR = require('../ocr') const step1 = (ctx) => { ctx.reply('Send me the image') return } const step2 = new Composer() step2.on('photo', async (ctx) => { ctx.reply('I have received the image please wait while i extract the text') let photos = const { file_id: fileId } = photos[photos.length - 1] const { file_unique_id: fileUniqueId } = photos[photos.length - 1] const fileUrl = await ctx.telegram.getFileLink(fileId); let imagePath = await fileManager.downloadFile(fileUrl, fileUniqueId, 'Image') let text = await OCR.extractText(imagePath) fileManager.deleteFile(imagePath) if (text != 'Empty') { ctx.replyWithHTML(`The extracted text is: \n <b>${text}</b>`) } else { ctx.reply(`Sorry we couldn't extract any text from the image`) } ctx.reply('Lets try this again , please send me another image') const currentStepIndex = ctx.wizard.cursor return ctx.wizard.selectStep(currentStepIndex) }); step2.command('cancel', (ctx) => { ctx.reply('Bye bye') return ctx.scene.leave() }) const imageScene = new WizardScene('imageScene', (ctx) => step1(ctx), step2, ) module.exports = { imageScene }
In this section, we have created the imageScene
and all the methods needed to manage the interaction with the user when they want to extract text from an image. In the next step, we are going to create the videoScene
In this step, we are going to create the scene responsible for managing the interaction with the user when they want to extract text from a video. In order to do that we will have to create a file called videoScene.js
Still in the scenes
directory, create a new file called videoScene.js
by running the following command:
nano videoScene.js
Add the following code inside the videoScene.js
const Composer = require('telegraf/composer') const WizardScene = require('telegraf/scenes/wizard') const fileManager = require('../fileManager') const OCR = require('../ocr')
In the block of code above, we have required the WizardScene
and Composer
from telegraf
. We also have required the fileManager.js
and ocr.js
file, just like we did when creating the imageScene
. Please note that we are going to create these two files later in this tutorial.
Add the following code to the bottom of the videoScene.js
const step1 = (ctx)=>{ ctx.replyWithHTML('Send me the exact frame where you want to extract the text in the format <code>hh:mm:ss</code>. Example: <code>00:00:50</code> \n If you want to extract text from multiple frames use <code>,</code> to separate them. Example: <code>00:00:30,00:00:34</code> ') return }
In the block of code above, we created the step1
of the videoScene
. This step will be the first to run when the bot enters this scene. First, the bot asks the user to send a message containing the frame location in a video where they want to extract text from. The message the user sends should be in the following format hh:mm:ss
, where hh
stands for hours in the video, mm
stand for minutes in the video and ss
stands for seconds
in the video. For example, if the user wants to extract text from a frame in the video when the video is at the 30 seconds mark they should send a message containing the following text: 00:00:30
If the user wants to extract text from multiple frames they can do so by using ,
to separate the frame’s location. For example, if the user wants to extract text from a video at the 30 and 34 seconds mark they should send the following text 00:00:30,00:00:34
Lastly, the bot moves to the next step by calling
Add the following code to the bottom of the videoScene.js
const step2 = new Composer() step2.on('text',(ctx)=>{ let message = ctx.update.message.text.toLowerCase() if(message.includes(':')){ let frames = message.includes(',') ? message.split(',') : [message] ctx.scene.session.state.frames = frames ctx.reply('I know where to look for the images , now please send me the video') return }else if (message.includes('cancel')){ leaveScene(ctx) }else{ const currentStepIndex = ctx.wizard.cursor ctx.replyWithHTML('sorry but i am waiting for a message in the following format <code>hh:mm:ss</code>') return ctx.wizard.selectStep(currentStepIndex) } }) step2.command('cancel',(ctx) => leaveScene(ctx))
In the block of code above, we created step2
and added a text
listener to it, this listener will listen to any incoming message containing text by calling the on('text',...)
. When a message containing text is received we check if the message is the format described in step1
. If that is the case we save the image or the image’s location in the video in a variable called frames
in the scene.session.state
object. If the message contains the /cancel
command then we leave the videoScene
. If the message contains neither the format described in step1
nor /cancel
command then we ask the user to send a message in the correct format and remain in the same step by using wizard.selectStep()
. Lastly, we added a listener for the /cancel
command, which will exit the current scene by calling the leaveScene()
Add the following code to the bottom of the videoScene.js
const step3 = new Composer() step3.on('video', async (ctx) => { ctx.reply('I have received the video please wait while i extract the text') let video = const currentStepIndex = ctx.wizard.cursor const { file_id: fileId } = video const { file_unique_id: fileUniqueId } = video const fileUrl = await ctx.telegram.getFileLink(fileId); let videoPath = await fileManager.downloadFile(fileUrl, fileUniqueId, 'Video') })
In the block of code above, we created step3
and added a listener that will listen to any incoming message containing a video by using .on('video')
. Just like we did in the imageScene
, first, the bot sends a message to the user saying that the video was received. Then we extract the values needed to download the video stored in Telegram’s server and pass it to the downloadFile()
method in fileManager
. Once the video is downloaded, the video’s path will be stored in a variable called videoPath
Add the following code to the bottom of the step3.on('video',…)
step3.on('video', async (ctx) => { . . . let frames = ctx.scene.session.state.frames let promises = [] for(let i=0; i<frames.length;i++){ promises.push(OCR.videoOCR(videoPath,fileUniqueId,frames[i])) } const data = await Promise.all(promises) data.forEach(item =>{ let text = item.text let frame = item.frame if (text != 'Empty') { ctx.replyWithHTML(`The text extracted from the frame at the video length <b>${frame}</b> is : \n <b>${text}</b>`) } else { ctx.replyWithHTML(`Sorry we couldn't extract any text from the frame at the video length <b>${frame}</b>`) } }) })
In the block of code above, we retrieve from the ctx.scene.session.state
the location of frames where we want to extract text from and store it in a variable called frames
. We go through the values stored in frames
and for each value in it, we take the value and pass it alongside the videoPath
and fileUniqueId
to the videoOCR()
method in ocr
. The videoOCR()
method will return an array of objects containing the text
extracted from the given frame and the frame
where the text was extracted. Once the videoOCR()
method returns, we store the returned values in a variable called data
. Lastly, we go through the objects in data
and for each object found we send the text
and the frame
to the user.
Add the following code to the bottom of the step3.on('video',…)
step3.on('video', async (ctx) => { . . . fileManager.deleteFile(videoPath) ctx.reply('Lets try this again, send me the frames') return ctx.wizard.selectStep(1) })
In the block of code above, we delete the downloaded video and then we ask the user to send the frames in order to extract text from another video and use the ctx.wizard.selectStep()
method to go back to step2
Add the following code to the bottom of the videoScene.js
step3.on('text', async (ctx) => { let message = ctx.update.message.text.toLowerCase() if(message.includes('cancel')){ leaveScene() }else{ console.log(Object.keys(ctx.update.message)) const currentStepIndex = ctx.wizard.cursor ctx.reply('sorry but i am waiting for a video') return ctx.wizard.selectStep(currentStepIndex) } });
In the block of code above, we added a listener to step3
that will listen to any message containing text by using .on('text',...)
. If the message contains the string cancel
then we will exit the scene. If the message contains other text the bot will tell the user that the bot is expecting a video and then remain in the current scene.
Add the following code to the bottom of the videoScene.js
const leaveScene = (ctx) =>{ ctx.reply('Bye !!!') return ctx.scene.leave() } const videoScene = new WizardScene('videoScene', (ctx) => step1(ctx), step2, step3 ) module.exports = { videoScene }
In the block of code above, we created the leaveScene()
method which will send a message to the user saying Bye
and exit the current scene. After creating the leaveScene()
method, we created the videoScene
object and added all the steps created previously. Lastly, we exported videoScene
so that we can use it in the main.js
The videoScene.js
should look like the following:
const Composer = require('telegraf/composer') const WizardScene = require('telegraf/scenes/wizard') const fileManager = require('../fileManager') const OCR = require('../ocr') const step1 = (ctx)=>{ ctx.replyWithHTML('Send me the exact frame where you want to extract the text in the format <code>hh:mm:ss</code>. Example: <code>00:00:50</code> \n If you want to extract text from multiple frames use <code>,</code> to separate them. Example: <code>00:00:30,00:00:34</code> ') return } const step2 = new Composer() step2.on('text',(ctx)=>{ let message = ctx.update.message.text.toLowerCase() if(message.includes(':')){ let frames = message.includes(',') ? message.split(',') : [message] ctx.scene.session.state.frames = frames ctx.reply('I know where to look for the images , now please send me the video') return }else if (message.includes('cancel')){ leaveScene(ctx) }else{ const currentStepIndex = ctx.wizard.cursor ctx.replyWithHTML('sorry but i am waiting for a message in the following format <code>hh:mm:ss</code>') return ctx.wizard.selectStep(currentStepIndex) } }) step2.command('cancel',(ctx) => leaveScene(ctx)) const step3 = new Composer() step3.on('video', async (ctx) => { ctx.reply('I have received the video please wait while i extract the text') let video = const currentStepIndex = ctx.wizard.cursor const { file_id: fileId } = video const { file_unique_id: fileUniqueId } = video const fileUrl = await ctx.telegram.getFileLink(fileId); let videoPath = await fileManager.downloadFile(fileUrl, fileUniqueId, 'Video') let frames = ctx.scene.session.state.frames let promises = [] for(let i=0; i<frames.length;i++){ promises.push(OCR.videoOCR(videoPath,fileUniqueId,frames[i])) } const data = await Promise.all(promises) data.forEach(item =>{ let text = item.text let frame = item.frame if (text != 'Empty') { ctx.replyWithHTML(`The text extracted from the frame at the video length <b>${frame}</b> is : \n <b>${text}</b>`) } else { ctx.replyWithHTML(`Sorry we couldn't extract any text from the frame at the video length <b>${frame}</b>`) } }) fileManager.deleteFile(videoPath) ctx.reply('Lets try this again, send me the frames') return ctx.wizard.selectStep(1) }) step3.on('text', async (ctx) => { let message = ctx.update.message.text.toLowerCase() if(message.includes('cancel')){ leaveScene() }else{ const currentStepIndex = ctx.wizard.cursor ctx.reply('sorry but i am waiting for a video') return ctx.wizard.selectStep(currentStepIndex) } }); const leaveScene = (ctx) =>{ ctx.reply('Bye !!!') return ctx.scene.leave() } const videoScene = new WizardScene('videoScene', (ctx) => step1(ctx), step2, step3 ) module.exports = { videoScene }
In this section, we have created videoScene
which is responsible for managing the interaction with the user, when the user wants to extract text from a video. In the next step, we are going to create the fileManager.js
In this step, we are going to create the fileManager.js
, this file will contain the methods needed to manage the files sent by the user.
In the terminal run the following commands to go back to the root directory of our project and create the fileManager.js
cd .. && nano fileManager.js
Add the following code inside the fileManager.js
const fs = require('fs') const path = require('path') const axios = require('axios')
In the block of code above, we required the modules needed to download the files sent by the user and then save them in the tmp
Add the following code to the bottom of the fileManager.js
const downloadFile = async (fileUrl, fileUniqueId, type) => { const fileDir = type === 'Image' ? 'images' : 'videos' const splitFileUrl = fileUrl.split('.') const fileFormat = splitFileUrl[splitFileUrl.length - 1] const fileName = `${fileUniqueId}.${fileFormat}` const filePath = path.resolve(__dirname, `tmp/${fileDir}`, fileName) const writer = fs.createWriteStream(filePath) return axios({ method: 'get', url: fileUrl, responseType: 'stream', }).then(response => { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {; let error = null; writer.on('error', err => { error = err; writer.close(); reject(err); }); writer.on('close', () => { if (!error) { resolve(writer.path); } }); }); }); }
In the block of code above, we created the downloadFile()
method, which will be responsible for downloading files from Telegram’s server and storing them in either the tmp/images
or tmp/videos
directory, depending on file type.
First, we do a string comparison to see whether the file type
is equal to Image
to determine which tmp
subdirectory the file will be saved in. We then store the value in the fileDir
We split the fileUrl
to determine the file format and store it in the fileFormat
variable. We join the fileUniqueId
with the fileFormat
to create the fileName
. We use the path
module with the fileDir
and fileFormat
variables to create the filePath
. We use the fs
module to create a file writer
Add the following code to the bottom of the downloadFile()
const downloadFile = async (fileUrl, fileUniqueId, type) => { . . . return axios({ method: 'get', url: fileUrl, responseType: 'stream', }).then(response => { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {; let error = null; writer.on('error', err => { error = err; writer.close(); reject(err); }); writer.on('close', () => { if (!error) { resolve(writer.path); } }); }); }); }
In the block of code above, first, we use the module axios
to download the file, then we use the writer
to save the file in the filePath
. Lastly, when the writer
finishes saving the file we return the filePath
to the method that called the downloadFile()
Add the following code to the bottom of the fileManager.js
const deleteFile = (filePath) => { fs.unlink(filePath, (err) => { if (err) { return } console.log('file deleted') }) } module.exports = { downloadFile, deleteFile }
In the block of code above, we created the deleteFile()
method, this method will be responsible for deleting the downloaded files, and then we exported the downloadFile()
and deleteFile()
The fileManager.js
file should look like this:
const fs = require('fs') const path = require('path') const axios = require('axios') const downloadFile = async (fileUrl, fileUniqueId, type) => { const fileDir = type === 'Image' ? 'images' : 'videos' const splitFileUrl = fileUrl.split('.') const fileFormat = splitFileUrl[splitFileUrl.length - 1] const fileName = `${fileUniqueId}.${fileFormat}` const filePath = path.resolve(__dirname, `tmp/${fileDir}`, fileName) const writer = fs.createWriteStream(filePath) return axios({ method: 'get', url: fileUrl, responseType: 'stream', }).then(response => { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {; let error = null; writer.on('error', err => { error = err; writer.close(); reject(err); }); writer.on('close', () => { if (!error) { resolve(writer.path); } }); }); }); } const deleteFile = (filePath) => { fs.unlink(filePath, (err) => { if (err) { return } console.log('file deleted') }) } module.exports = { downloadFile, deleteFile }
In this section, we created inside the fileManager.js
file, the methods responsible for managing the files sent by the user, in the next step we are going to create the file responsible for performing OCR.
In this step we are going to create the file responsible for performing OCR in both images and videos.
Still in the root directory of our project, create a file called ocr.js
by running the following command:
nano ocr.js
Add the following code inside the ocr.js
const tesseract = require("node-tesseract-ocr") const ffmpeg = require('ffmpeg') const path = require('path') const fileManager = require('./fileManager')
In the block of code above, we required the libraries need to manage the files sent by the user, extract a frame from a video, and extract text from an image.
Add the following code to the bottom of the ocr.js
let extractText = async (imagePath) => { let extractedText = 'Empty' const config = { lang: "eng", oem: 1, psm: 3, } await tesseract.recognize(imagePath, config) .then(text => { console.log("Text :", text) extractedText = text }) .catch(err => { console.log("Error:", err.message) }) return extractedText }
In the block of code above, we created a method called extractText
, which will be responsible for extracting text in an image located in the imagePath
We start the method by creating a variable called extractedText
, which will store the text extracted from the image, then we create an object called config
, which will hold the options that we will pass to tesseract
when trying to recognize text inside an image.
We add the following properties to the config
tells tesseract in which language the text inside the image isoem
tells tesseract the type of the algorithm it should usepsm
controls the automatic page segmentation mode (page segmentation is the process by which a scanned page is divided into columns and blocks, which are then classified as halftones, graphics, or text)After creating the config
object we pass it alongside the imagePath
to the tesseract.recognize()
method in order to recognize the text inside the image, then we store the text found in the extractedText
variable and then we return extractedText
to the method that called extractText()
Add the following code to the bottom of the ocr.js
let videoOCR = async (videoPath, fileUniqueID, frame) => { let extractedText = 'Empty' let data = {text : extractedText, frame: frame} const imageName = `${fileUniqueID}.jpg` const imagePath = path.resolve(__dirname, 'tmp/images', imageName) }
In the block of code above, we created a method called videoOCR
, this method will be responsible for extracting a frame inside a video, save the frame as an image, then call the extractText()
method and pass the image path to it, then the extractText()
which will extract the text and return it to the videoOCR()
We start the method by creating a variable called extractedText
which will store the text extracted from the image, and an object called data
which will store the extractedText
and the frame
. We use the fileUniqueID
that was passed to this method and create the imageName
. We use the path
module and the imageName
to create the imagePath
Add the following code to the bottom of the videoOCR()
let videoOCR = async (videoPath, fileUniqueID, frame) => { . . . try { let process = new ffmpeg(videoPath); return await process.then(video => { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { video.addCommand('-ss', frame) video.addCommand('-vframes', '1'), async (err, file) => { if (!err) { extractedText = await extractText(imagePath) fileManager.deleteFile(imagePath) data.text = extractedText resolve(data); } else { console.log('Error: ' + err) reject(data); } }) }); }) } catch (err) { console.log(err.code) console.log(err.msg) return data } }
In the block of code above, we use the ffmpeg
module to retrieve a frame inside the video located in the videoPath
. We extract the frame by passing the frame
variable, which was passed to this method alongside the -ss
flag, and '1'
alongside the -vframes
flag to the addCommand()
The -ss
flag stands for the position in the video that we want to seek to, and the -vframes
flag stands for the number of frames that we want. After getting the frame, we use the
method to save the frame as an image in the imagePath
Once the frame is saved as an image, we take the imagePath
and pass it to the extractText()
method, which will extract the text from the image in the imagePath
and then return it. After the extractText()
method returns, we store the returned text in the extractedText
variable, then we update the extractedText
value and the data
Lastly, we return the data
object to the method that called videoOCR()
. The ocr.js
file should look something like this:
const tesseract = require("node-tesseract-ocr") const ffmpeg = require('ffmpeg') const path = require('path') const fileManager = require('./fileManager') let extractText = async (imagePath) => { let extractedText = 'Empty' const config = { lang: "eng", oem: 1, psm: 3, } await tesseract.recognize(imagePath, config) .then(text => { extractedText = text }) .catch(err => { console.log("Error:", err.message) }) return extractedText } let videoOCR = async (videoPath, fileUniqueID, frame) => { let extractedText = 'Empty' let data = {text : extractedText, frame: frame} const imageName = `${fileUniqueID}.jpg` const imagePath = path.resolve(__dirname, 'tmp/images', imageName) try { let process = new ffmpeg(videoPath); return await process.then(video => { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { video.addCommand('-ss', frame) video.addCommand('-vframes', '1'), async (err, file) => { if (!err) { extractedText = await extractText(imagePath) fileManager.deleteFile(imagePath) data.text = extractedText resolve(data); } else { console.log('Error: ' + err) reject(data); } }) }); }) } catch (err) { console.log(err.code) console.log(err.msg) return data } } module.exports = { extractText, videoOCR }
We have now finished creating our bot. In the next section, we are going to interact with it.
In this step, we are going to run our bot and talk to it on Telegram. Start our bot by running the following command in the terminal:
node main.js
Now that our bot is running, open your Telegram client and add the bot that you have created by adding @your_bot_username
. Then start a conversation with it by sending /start
or clicking the start
button if available.
Click the Extract from 🖼️
button and we will enter the imageScene
Here is the first image that we sent to the bot:
And here is the output:
"Patience is the key which solves all problems.” ~Sudanese proverb
Here is the second image that we sent to the bot:
And here is the output:
Patience mats (e-\naeeraecyelel ites that things can happen ina Co lhicirnime) felis than the one you have in your mind
Here is the third image that we sent to the bot:
And here is the output:
Be patient. Some things take time.
As you can see in the output above our bot was able to extract text from two of the three images we sent to it. This is because we didn’t process any of the images before trying to extract text from it. If that were the case, we would have extracted text from all three images, but this goes beyond the scope of this tutorial.
After extracting text from images, we sent the /cancel
command to exit the imageScene
. We then sent the /start
command to show the available options and selected the Extract from 🎬
option thus entering the videoScene
Then we sent the following message containing the location for the frames in the video we want to extract text from: 00:00:50,00:01:42,00:02:34
After sending the location for the frames, we sent this video to the bot; the video that we sent was taken from the Riddle Channel channel on YouTube.
Here is the text we extracted in 00:00:50
Riddle 1 Voiceless it cries, Wingless flutters, Toothless bites, Mouthless mutters. What am |?
Here is the text we extracted in 00:01:42
Riddle 2 This thing all things devours; Birds, beasts, trees, flowers; Gnaws iron, bites steel; Grinds hard stones to meal; Slays king, ruins town, And beats mountain down. What am |?
Here is the text we extracted in 00:02:34
Riddle 3 What walks on four feet in the morning, Two in the afternoon, And three at night?
You can watch the bot in action in the video here.
We were able to extract the text in all the 3 selected frames in the video successfully.
In this tutorial, we have learned how to use the telegraf
module to create a Telegram bot capable of extracting text from images and videos. This module allowed us to build a complex bot without having to spend too much time learning the whole Telegram API.
In order to extract text from images, we have learned how to use the node-tesseract-ocr
module, but since we also needed to extract text from frames in videos, we learned how to use the node-ffmpeg
module, which allowed us to extract frames from videos and then save them as images.
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