Frank Joseph
Oct 19, 2022 â‹… 7 min read

Building microservices with Node.js

Frank Joseph I'm an innovative software engineer and technical writer passionate about the developer community. I'm interested in building applications that run on the internet.

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9 Replies to "Building microservices with Node.js"

  1. Bro, you should attach your website and linkedin profile to your page. That way people can reach you with opportunties.

  2. Toi bad the most important part is not described. How do multiples microservice interact with each other. For exemple you call an endpoint this endpoint retreive data and call 2 other micro services that have coupled data in another db

  3. For a Node.js article, this felt pretty dated and out of touch. I guess my biggest gripe is that you’re promoting the use of request (which has been deprecated for a while now) but also some of the conventions used aren’t exactly the best. I also wish you’d explain microservices more in depth. Just some constructive criticism

  4. The code snippets are all with mistakes. I don’t know why, but LogRocket has all the best tutorials to start with but with a lot of mistakes. This is very bad

      1. In the server.js file, the line app.use(express.static(“client”)) should be removed. It is not needed in this code snippet and will cause an error.

        In the weather.js file, the line weatherRoute.get(“/”, (req, res)=>{res.sendFile(__dirname, + “index.html”)} will cause an error because __dirname is a path, and res.sendFile expects a file path as its first argument, but it is being concatenated with a string “index.html”. It should be like this res.sendFile(__dirname + “/index.html”)

        In the weather.js file, the line const appiKey = “Your API Key” is hardcoded and it should be replaced with a valid API key otherwise the application will not work as expected.

        In the weather.js file, the line const url = “https://api.openweathermap.org/data/2.5/weather?q=”+ city + “&appid=”+appiKey+”&units=”+unit+”” should use encodeURI function to encode the url parameters, to avoid any issues with special characters or spaces in the parameters.

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