Julio Sampaio
Feb 24, 2022 ⋅ 8 min read

Blazor vs. Angular comparison guide

Julio Sampaio Software developer, with an affinity and curiosity for everything else. 🤔💡

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13 Replies to "Blazor vs. Angular comparison guide"

  1. You appear to have mixed and matches elements of client side and server side Blazor.

    I had client side Blazor apps running as fully disconnected PWAs 8 months ago. And while the client side Blazor apps do have a ~1.5 Meg download, that is fully cached, server side implementations do not.

    Server side implementations of Blazor sites with heavy real time interactions are also way more efficient as you’re not dealing with a dozen Ajax service calls and managing state client side. All those interactions are on the server, so no communication issues.

    Blazor is still young, but we’ve already been converting our angular and react sites over to it. We’re even looking at forgoing an investment in an externally built mobile app in favor of a Blazor client side PWA. Getting out of the hell that is JavaScript is worth it alone, adding in the increased dev speed, and that any of our C# developers can jump right into web and mobile development is huge.

  2. I believe you have some items in the wrong columns where you list differences between the 2 frameworks. Right before your conclusion.

  3. I couldn’t agree more. There seems to be a mix up with Blazor Server and Blazor Webassembly. Which is less mature still, but I love it. Just to escape the madness of JS.
    Also he says that Angular is Async by default. This is just not true of Angular, and the simple Typescript example he gave may well work. But as soon as it gets even vaguely complex you are into understanding a while new world of ‘observables’ et al, and they dont mix well.
    C# just works.
    Also, as you, I built my Wasm app as a PWA and that just worked too.
    Most interested though what you said about canning the App. We are at a crossroads right now with our existing tech, using Xamarin.
    Very interested in the Blazor on Xamarin Forms experimental tech coming along.

  4. In your comparison table you show Angular as production ready with caveats of undergoing updates, but Blazor is simply described as production ready. I think this is misleading. You could apply both definitions to both products, but I could also argue that Angular has been ‘more’ production ready for longer, having been implemented in countless hi-profile projects for a decade. Further, while you report PWA as a work in progress for Blazor, for Angular, as you write, PWA capability is nearly as simple as a single CLI line entry in an Angular project.

    Full disclosure: I’m a .net(Bootstrap) full stack dev by day, and Angular(.Material) dev by nights/weekends. I’m not very familiar with Blazor, other than spinning up a few practice apps during tutorials, but have more experience with the traditional asp.net product. Still, I like both platforms, and SPAs and PWAs in general. For IDEs, I prefer to use VSCode for Ng CLI dev, and visual studio for asp.net dev.

  5. Blazor isn’t going to replace Xamarin, I don’t think. You’re still limited to the DOM and the performance capabilities it has. So if you’re looking to push pixels and get OS level interactions, Xamarin is still (IMO) the way to go.

    But if you’re doing some simple rendering and basic I/O, say like getting your insurance card or a shopping assistant for a big box store, Blazor lets you do so, without having to bring in a new technology, no significant learning curve, no new environments, no worrying about dozens of hardware setups and OS versions, and best of all… NO JAVASCRIPT! 😀

  6. Hey guys, I’m super sorry for the wrong items on the comparison table. I’ve mistakenly swapped some of them and now it’s fixed.

    Regarding the comments, thanks for enriching the discussion here. My goal is to collect your thoughts and adapt the post if something is not accurate enough or wrong.

    Thank you! 🙂

  7. Perhaps a more apt comparison of popularity of the two frameworks using stackoverflow would not be to compare all time questions of each, but instead to search for all questions in 2020. “[angular] created:2020” (90k) vs “[blazor] created:2020” (5k). It should also be noted that many blazor related questions may fall under the [dotnet] tag, since blazor has been merged into the .NET codebase.

  8. Not even remotely true. We write our angular applications 100% RFP in Rxjs and it works perfectly. We backend it with dotnet core webapis using rest and protobuf, and a micronaut graphql layer. We also deploy high performance code to the client using Rust compiled to wasm in 1/30th of the space the runtime for Blazor uses.

    I’ve also been using Rx since it was a new experiment by Meijer on dotnet, dotnet since beta, and win32 api on C++ before that, so I’m not stranger to any of these paradigms.

  9. With Blazor 5, scoped styles are supported. Simply add a css file called MyComponent.razor.css on the same location as your component and you are ready to go.

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