Chimezie Innocent I am Chimezie, a software developer based in Nigeria. I am highly skilled in HTML, CSS, and JS to build web-accessible and progressive apps. I'm also skilled with React for web, React Native for Android apps, and Tailwind CSS. I write technical articles, too.

Stories by Chimezie Innocent

Using React Native Mmkv To Improve App Performance

Using react-native-mmkv to improve app performance


Let’s explore the react-native-mmkv library’s advantages over AsyncStorage and how to use MMKV in our application.

Chimezie Innocent
Sep 22, 2023 ⋅ 7 min read
Integrating Ble In A React Native App With The React Native Ble Manager Package

Using react-native-ble-manager in a mobile application


Explore how react-native-ble-manager allows us to enable and scan for Bluetooth Low Energy devices within our React Native application.

Chimezie Innocent
Aug 8, 2023 ⋅ 13 min read
Building A React Native Theme Switcher App With The Usecolorscheme Hook

Building a React Native theme switcher app


Learn to use the useColorScheme Hook in React Native to switch app themes between light, dark, and system modes.

Chimezie Innocent
Aug 8, 2023 ⋅ 7 min read
Working With React Native Resizemode

Using resizeMode in React Native to scale images


Let’s explore the different resizeMode property values in React Native and how to use them effectively in a project.

Chimezie Innocent
Jun 8, 2023 ⋅ 11 min read
How To Fetch And Handle Blob Data In React Native

How to fetch and handle blob data in React Native


The react-native-blob-util and react-native-fs packages allow us to access and manage the file systems of our devices.

Chimezie Innocent
Jun 7, 2023 ⋅ 20 min read
Exploring 5 Popular React Native Color Picker Libraries

Exploring 5 popular React Native color picker libraries


React Native color picker libraries can help us select the right color scheme for our apps. Let’s look at five popular libraries we can use.

Chimezie Innocent
Apr 14, 2023 ⋅ 9 min read
Using React Native Reanimated To Create Seamless Ui Transitions

Using React Native Reanimated for seamless UI transitions


Explore React Native Reanimated core features, changes in v2 and v3, and how to use this library to create smooth transitions and animations.

Chimezie Innocent
Apr 13, 2023 ⋅ 9 min read
Using React Native Snackbar For Custom Pop Up Messages

Using React Native Snackbar to create custom pop-up messages


Let’s explore Snackbar, a useful React Native tool that can help you add notifications or display pop-up messages in your application.

Chimezie Innocent
Oct 5, 2022 ⋅ 7 min read

Using pointerEvents in React Native


In this article, we will look at how to use React Native pointerEvents to help determine how a View interacts with touch events.

Chimezie Innocent
Sep 28, 2022 ⋅ 9 min read
Understanding React Native Env Variables

Understanding React Native env variables


What are env variables, and why are they useful in React Native? Learn how to create and use env variables in React Native.

Chimezie Innocent
Jun 9, 2022 ⋅ 7 min read
A Guide To React Native’s AsyncStorage

A guide to React Native’s AsyncStorage


AsyncStorage is an unencrypted and asynchronous data storage system in React Native that allows users to persist data offline.

Chimezie Innocent
Mar 14, 2022 ⋅ 5 min read
Popper Vs. Floating UI

Popper vs. Floating UI


Learn how Popper compares to Floating UI when choosing which tool to use when positioning floating elements.

Chimezie Innocent
Feb 3, 2022 ⋅ 6 min read