Oluwaseun Raphael Afolayan
Nov 16, 2020 ⋅ 4 min read

Why people aren’t switching to Svelte yet

Oluwaseun Raphael Afolayan Developer and digital growth hacker. Saving the world one paragraph at a time. Aspiring ethical hacker and a WordPress evangelist.

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8 Replies to "Why people aren’t switching to Svelte yet"

  1. There’s no such thing as an npx repository. npx is running degit which is a node git client which is cloning the template repo. This is a great thing as npx is a great tool and not everything has to be an npm package. I consider this an advantage over other methods.

  2. I tried it. I am no javascript master but why is it so hard to use material UI with this thing?
    React is easy. How about a new cli?

    1. If you are trying yo use material ui with sapper that’s ok, but if you’re trying to use sveltekit with material that’s a bit difficult to build.
      But honestly? The best you can do with svelte is using tailwind css with postcc to keep high performance.

      So you can google “tailwind css components”, you get what you need and create yourComponent.svelte by pasting the html you copied from tailwindcss components page.

      if you need some event handling or js you add it to the component and done.. you have your own component (animated button, fancy boxes, textfield) without installing any heavy UI framework.

  3. Our Company has created his first svelte website for shipping tracking page.
    Then I decided to use it for new heavy analytics software with sapper and sveltestrap.
    Now svelte-kit is out and I’ve migrated the analytics to sveltkit (static build is so fast..).

    We all agree that svelte is the n1 and we’ll use it for next projects (and maybe we will switch some current project by re-writing the frontend in svelte). We have big projects with angular and we all used reactjs but guys… there’s no chance to beat svelte (and sveltekit).

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