React.memo prevents unnecessary re-renders and improves performance in React applications. Discover when to use it, when to avoid it, and how it compares to useMemo and useCallback.
Learn how React’s useCallback hook boosts performance by memoizing functions and preventing unnecessary re-renders with practical examples and best practices.
Learn the characteristics of the virtual document object model (DOM), explore its benefits in React, and review a practical example.
You might start with if...else
statements. But as your logic grows more complex, you’ll discover the switch statement in JavaScript is simply better for handling multiple conditions in a clean and readable way.
One Reply to "Using the inbuilt Node.js profiler"
Great blog entry! I learned a lot. Thanks!
The only thing I wasn’t sure about is the timing your run the commands.
For example, for the ab tool run, you should do it and at the same time kick the –prof-process or aftewards ?
Thanks Again!