Tag: leader-spotlight

Ashlee Richards Leader Spotlight

Leader Spotlight: Building products in an increasingly competitive market, with Ashlee Richards

Product Management

Ashlee Richards talks about how the legalization of sports betting has added new players to the market and changed the competitive landscape.

Kate Trahan
May 13, 2024 ⋅ 8 min read
Kristina Bailey Leader Spotlight

Leader Spotlight: Motivating teams to hit customer-centric outcomes, with Kristina Bailey

Product Management

Kristina Bailey discusses the careful balance of knowing the business outcomes you want to achieve while balancing customer outcomes.

Jessica Srinivas
May 10, 2024 ⋅ 7 min read
Brian Peterson Leader Spotlight

Leader Spotlight: Empowering teams via a shared vision, with Brian Peterson

Product Management

Brian Peterson discusses how he creates empowered teams by establishing a shared vision across teams, organizations, and the company.

Jessica Srinivas
May 9, 2024 ⋅ 8 min read
Steve Shah Leader Spotlight

Leader Spotlight: Product-market fit vs. problem-solution fit, with Steve Shah

Product Management

Steve Shah talks about how problem-solution fit is taking the time to put yourself in the buyer’s shoes and understand their life.

Kate Trahan
May 8, 2024 ⋅ 7 min read
Leader Spotlight Payton White

Leader Spotlight: Evoking the right feelings in-store and online, with Payton White

Product Management

Payton White talks about how to create a consistent experience by maintaining the feeling that the brand wants to evoke in the customer.

Jessica Srinivas
May 7, 2024 ⋅ 7 min read
Ben Hackett Leader Spotlight

Leader Spotlight: How first principles tie into ruthless prioritization, with Ben Hackett

Product Management

Ben Hackett discusses the balance of revenue and core cultural values and how ruthless prioritization comes from first-principles thinking.

Jessica Srinivas
May 6, 2024 ⋅ 7 min read
Leader Spotlight Kunal Thadani

Leader Spotlight: The benefits of being a full-stack PM, with Kunal Thadani

Product Management

Kunal Thadani shares necessary qualities of a full-stack PM, including being resourceful, process-driven, and willing to wear many hats.

Jessica Srinivas
May 3, 2024 ⋅ 8 min read
Dan Lawyer Leader Spotlight

Leader Spotlight: Providing autonomy to go fast and make decisions, with Dan Lawyer

Product Management

Dan Lawyer, CPO at Lucid Software, talks about his philosophy that without autonomy, there is no leverage as a leader.

Jessica Srinivas
May 2, 2024 ⋅ 10 min read
Suhas Reddy Leader Spotlight

Leader Spotlight: Taking a human-centric approach to fintech, with Suhas Reddy

Product Management

Suhas Reddy discusses the principles of human-centric design and its emphasis on delivering products in the context of the customer.

Jessica Srinivas
May 1, 2024 ⋅ 7 min read
Liz Li Leader Spotlight

Leader Spotlight: Focusing on quality and engagement in tech plus services, with Liz Li

Product Management

Liz Li, CPO of Velocity Global, discusses the importance of meaningful interactions in tech plus services that contribute to company goals.

Jessica Srinivas
Apr 30, 2024 ⋅ 7 min read
Priyankka Mani Leader Spotlight

Leader Spotlight: The invaluable role of EQ in product, with Priyankka Mani

Product Management

Priyankka Mani talks about how emotional intelligence ties closely to outcomes and how empathy and curiosity are key to enhancing learning.

Jessica Srinivas
Apr 29, 2024 ⋅ 9 min read
Shane Eleniak Leader Spotlight

Leader Spotlight: Creating value streams in a B2B2C model, with Shane Eleniak

Product Management

Shane Eleniak discusses seeing value from the lens of subscribers, the service provider, and across the different personas in the platform.

Kate Trahan
Apr 26, 2024 ⋅ 8 min read