Kelvin Omereshone
Oct 16, 2020 â‹… 23 min read

Building a Node.js web API with Sails.js

Kelvin Omereshone Kelvin is an independent software maker currently building Sailscasts, a platform to learn server-side JavaScript. He is also a technical writer and works as a Node.js consultant, helping clients build and maintain their Node.js applications.

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6 Replies to "Building a Node.js web API with Sails.js"

  1. Hey Kelvin, I am a bit confused with the sections for registering a user. You say “Let’s look at error-handling. In the catch block add the below code to first check if the error was caused as a result of trying to register with an existing password:”

    1. When you say “password”, at the end, you meant “Email”?
    2. Which one is the Catch Block? The one within the “exists: {” section?

    Thank you!

  2. Hey Dani, you are right I meant Email and also recall this line “Let’s move on to the fn async function. We will start off by declaring a try-catch block. In that block start off with making sure the email is all lowercase:” So we created a try/catch block for the entire fn implementation as it’s good practice to have as few try/catch blocks as possible to reduce the surface area of error handling in your application.

    I hope this helps, Thanks.

  3. Kelvin, thank you for getting back to me. I went over the tutorial and realized that indeed you were mentioning the try/catch block. I love this tutorial and how I am grasping on the concepts. I really appreciate it.

  4. Hi Kelvin,
    I couldn’t get a sendGrid API key, they refused to allow me to continue further, probably because my location is Nigeria, please what can I do? Because, I can’t test without the API key. Thanks

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