Azzam S.A
May 11, 2023 ⋅ 9 min read

Build a desktop app with Qt and Rust

Azzam S.A Azzam crafts software for people to enjoy. Azzam is an OSS devotee, speaker, and teacher.

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One Reply to "Build a desktop app with Qt and Rust"

  1. Hello Azzam,
    I tried to start desktop development with RUST an QT on a Windows machine with your tutorial. But I ran into errors.
    Let me describe what I’ve done:
    I successfully installed RUST

    d:\Eigene Dateien\Rust\Projects\demo>rustc –version
    rustc 1.64.0 (a55dd71d5 2022-09-19)

    I installed Qt via the online installer (qt-unified-windows-x64-4.7.0-online.exe), after logging in I chose “Qt 6.7 for Desktop Development”, this installed mingw1120_64, QtCreator and QtDesignStudio on my machine. I set my %path% variable to the mingw- directory “C:\Qt\6.7.0\mingw_64\bin\”, because the qmake.exe is located there:

    d:\Eigene Dateien\Rust\Projects\demo>qmake –version
    QMake version 3.1
    Using Qt version 6.7.0 in C:/Qt/6.7.0/mingw_64/lib

    Then I created the source files as you described. I had only one uncertainty with the line

    + mod cxxqt_object;

    which was inserted in a second step into main.rs. And what did you mean with “don’t forget to tell Rust if you have a new file”, since I understand the way RUST compiles the files, that it collects the needed files itself according to the directory tree inside the project directory?
    I double-checked the final structure and in the project directory I executed

    cargo c

    and after a lot more than 0.04s I got following error:

    Compiling cxx-qt-lib v0.5.3
    The following warnings were emitted during compilation:

    Warning: ToolExecError: Command “C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Microsoft Visual Studio\\2019\\Enterprise\\VC\\Tools\\MSVC\\14.29.30133\\bin\\HostX64\\x64\\cl.exe” “-nologo” “-MD” “-Z7” “-Brepro” “-I” “d:\\Eigene Dateien\\Rust\\Projects\\demo\\target\\debug\\build\\cxx-qt-lib-965a6defbba745e3\\out\\cxxbridge\\include” “-I” “d:\\Eigene Dateien\\Rust\\Projects\\demo\\target\\debug\\build\\cxx-qt-lib-965a6defbba745e3\\out\\cxxbridge\\crate” “-I” “C:/Qt/6.7.0/mingw_64/include/QtCore” “-I” “C:/Qt/6.7.0/mingw_64/include/QtGui” “-I” “C:/Qt/6.7.0/mingw_64/include/QtQml” “-I” “C:/Qt/6.7.0/mingw_64/include” “-I” “d:\\Eigene Dateien\\Rust\\Projects\\demo\\target\\debug\\build\\cxx-qt-lib-965a6defbba745e3\\out” “-W4” “/std:c++17” “/Zc:__cplusplus” “/permissive-” “-DCXX_QT_GUI_FEATURE” “-DCXX_QT_QML_FEATURE” “-Fod:\\Eigene Dateien\\Rust\\Projects\\demo\\target\\debug\\build\\cxx-qt-lib-965a6defbba745e3\\out\\f9481b67b697aae2-qdatetime.rs.o” “-c” “d:\\Eigene Dateien\\Rust\\Projects\\demo\\target\\debug\\build\\cxx-qt-lib-965a6defbba745e3\\out\\cxxbridge\\sources\\cxx-qt-lib\\src\\core\\qdatetime.rs.cc” with args “cl.exe” did not execute successfully (status code exit code: 2).qhash_i32_qbytearray.rs.cc

    error: failed to run custom build command for `cxx-qt-lib v0.5.3`

    Caused by:
    process didn’t exit successfully: `d:\Eigene Dateien\Rust\Projects\demo\target\debug\build\cxx-qt-lib-c6d0f297f1efb517\build-script-build` (exit code: 1)
    — stderr

    CXX include path:
    d:\Eigene Dateien\Rust\Projects\demo\target\debug\build\cxx-qt-lib-965a6defbba745e3\out\cxxbridge\include
    d:\Eigene Dateien\Rust\Projects\demo\target\debug\build\cxx-qt-lib-965a6defbba745e3\out\cxxbridge\crate

    error occurred: Command “C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Microsoft Visual Studio\\2019\\Enterprise\\VC\\Tools\\MSVC\\14.29.30133\\bin\\HostX64\\x64\\cl.exe” “-nologo” “-MD” “-Z7” “-Brepro” “-I” “d:\\Eigene Dateien\\Rust\\Projects\\demo\\target\\debug\\build\\cxx-qt-lib-965a6defbba745e3\\out\\cxxbridge\\include” “-I” “d:\\Eigene Dateien\\Rust\\Projects\\demo\\target\\debug\\build\\cxx-qt-lib-965a6defbba745e3\\out\\cxxbridge\\crate” “-I” “C:/Qt/6.7.0/mingw_64/include/QtCore” “-I” “C:/Qt/6.7.0/mingw_64/include/QtGui” “-I” “C:/Qt/6.7.0/mingw_64/include/QtQml” “-I” “C:/Qt/6.7.0/mingw_64/include” “-I” “d:\\Eigene Dateien\\Rust\\Projects\\demo\\target\\debug\\build\\cxx-qt-lib-965a6defbba745e3\\out” “-W4” “/std:c++17” “/Zc:__cplusplus” “/permissive-” “-DCXX_QT_GUI_FEATURE” “-DCXX_QT_QML_FEATURE” “-Fod:\\Eigene Dateien\\Rust\\Projects\\demo\\target\\debug\\build\\cxx-qt-lib-965a6defbba745e3\\out\\f9481b67b697aae2-qdatetime.rs.o” “-c” “d:\\Eigene Dateien\\Rust\\Projects\\demo\\target\\debug\\build\\cxx-qt-lib-965a6defbba745e3\\out\\cxxbridge\\sources\\cxx-qt-lib\\src\\core\\qdatetime.rs.cc” with args “cl.exe” did not execute successfully (status code exit code: 2).

    This shows, there is a problem with the execution of cl.exe of my VS2019- installation. It happens, when the build process is at step 53/57

    What could be the reason vor the compiler error?

    Best regards,

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