Discover five essential React DevTools features that you might not have tried yet or didn’t even know existed.
Looking to brush up on the latest tech and career advice from the web dev community? Check out the best web development podcasts.
We dive into what a context is in React, when you should be reaching for them, and the best way to create them.
In this article, we’re going to go through what a cache is, and what kinds of caching is relevant for most frontend developers.
With React 17, you no longer need to import React in your files to use React. Confused? This article will tell you what you need to know in order to migrate both your code and knowledge to this new way of doing things.
I hope this article gets you as fired up as I am about testing. Not because testing is cool, but because it’s extremely boring. So skip the manual testing and automate it all away.
This article will show you a few different ways to handle form values in React. We’ll look at useState, custom Hooks, and, finally, no state at all!
This article will take you through some of the most interesting new media queries in this new specification, and show you how to use them.
Today, I’m full-on sold on TypeScript. I’m what you’d call a late adopter of these weird, yet wonderful type definitions people kept hassling me about. If you’re still unsure if types are for you – let me tell you a bit about the reasons that made me fall in love.
This article will show you why semantics on the web is important, what kind of semantic elements are built into HTML, and how you can use them in your apps.
The future is here, and you’re loving every single second of writing your React code with Hooks. You’re all like […]