Build a Flutter image generator app that reads data from a Golang backend and can run on Android, iOS, web, and desktop.
Convert text files to PDF format using the gofpdf package, a document generator with support for text, drawing, and images.
Learn about the different types of factory patterns in Solidity and the benefits of using them, such as to save on gas fees associated with multiple contract deployments.
Use Go and PostgreSQL to build a full-stack to-do web application that allows you to perform CRUD operations.
Use Wire to generate source code at compile time as well as implement dependency injection.
Learn to use the Go package Colly to build a basic web scraper that gets product information and saves the data to a JSON file.
Learn how to use Golang to perform Create, Read, Update, and Delete (CRUD) operations against an equally popular database, CockroachDB.
Functional reactive programming reduces callback hell. Learn the fundamentals of reactive programming and see available libraries for Node.js.
Explore RxJS Observables, how they are used to handle event-driven data, and errors and asynchronous data in a TypeScript application.
Learn how to use Node.js streams to efficiently handle large amounts of data and handle errors in Node streams.
Learn advanced TypeScript compiler options such as strictPropertyInitialization, noImplicitThis, noImplicitReturns, and strictNullChecks.
TypeScript namespaces prevent bloated global scope and support distributed development. Learn when you’ll need namespaces and how to use them.