Turbopack is a next-generation incremental bundler optimized for JavaScript and TypeScript. Let’s explore why and how to adopt it.
Learn how to enhance TypeScript runtime type safety using Zod for schema validation and dynamic form validation.
Understanding how to use lesser-known React Hooks like useSyncExternalStore can help you elevate your React projects.
Learn to structure your Next.js project strategically to build an application that will scale up without any issues as your project grows.
Knowing how to reduce unused JavaScript can help you save time, optimize performance, and improve efficiency.
Learn how you can use TanStack Query for data handling and state management in applications built with Next.js 13.
Learn to manage React input state using controlled and uncontrolled components, onFocus and onBlur events, and third-party solutions.
Learn to use CSS Components to create your own composable components, convert them into Hooks, and use them across your React project.
Use the useTransition()
and useDeferredValue()
Hooks in your next React project to help you prioritize the UI updates on the client side.
You can use Jotai in Next.js projects to share and manage states across your application using a bottom-up approach.
React Router’s v6.4 was a minor release earlier in 2022 that introduced some groundbreaking changes for the react-router-dom package.
While Strict Mode has been a React feature for some time time, v18 makes it more efficient in catching early bugs, making the codebase more predictable.