Ohans Emmanuel Visit me at ohansemmanuel.com to learn more about what I do!

Stories by Ohans Emmanuel

How To Access Previous Props Or State With React Hooks

How to access previous props or state with React Hooks


Learn how to access previous props and state in React using useRef, useState, usePrevious, and useEffect hooks effectively.

Ohans Emmanuel
May 1, 2024 ⋅ 9 min read
Astro Adoption Guide Overview Examples Alternatives

Astro adoption guide: Overview, examples, and alternatives


Astro brings simplicity, speed, and a stellar DX. Let’s explore what makes Astro such a compelling framework for your next project.

Ohans Emmanuel
Nov 17, 2023 ⋅ 17 min read
Understanding Astro integrations and the hooks lifecycle

Understanding Astro integrations and the hooks lifecycle


Astro integrations are key to customizing your site’s behavior. Learn how to insert them in the right areas of the hooks lifecycle here.

Ohans Emmanuel
Nov 1, 2023 ⋅ 5 min read
Using The React Children Prop With TypeScript

Using the React children prop with TypeScript


Learn the best practices for typing `children` props in TypeScript in both functional and class-based components.

Ohans Emmanuel
Oct 20, 2023 ⋅ 4 min read
Using the View Transitions API in Astro

Using the View Transitions API with Astro


Astro was the first major platform to adopt the View Transitions API for desktop apps and websites. Learn how to incorporate it here.

Ohans Emmanuel
Oct 17, 2023 ⋅ 6 min read
How To Dynamically Assign Properties To An Object In TypeScript

How to dynamically assign properties to an object in TypeScript


Explore dynamic property assignment in TypeScript, overcoming static typing errors through type assertions, the `Partial` utility type, and more.

Ohans Emmanuel
Oct 6, 2023 ⋅ 7 min read
Working with Astro's middleware

Working with Astro’s middleware


Astro, the popular frontend framework, added middleware in a recent release. Learn how to use Astro’s middleware in this post.

Ohans Emmanuel
Sep 21, 2023 ⋅ 9 min read
A guide to the four new Array.prototype methods in JavaScript

A guide to the 4 new Array.prototype methods in JavaScript


Four new Array.prototype methods were recently approved as part of ECMAScript 2023. Read about how to use them in this detailed guide.

Ohans Emmanuel
Aug 2, 2023 ⋅ 6 min read
React UseLayoutEffect Vs. UseEffect Hooks With Examples

React useLayoutEffect vs. useEffect Hooks with examples


Compare the useEffect and useLayoutEffect Hooks in React, especially their firing, performance, and visual changes.

Ohans Emmanuel
Jul 12, 2023 ⋅ 8 min read
Understanding When Not To Use The UseMemo React Hook

When not to use the useMemo React Hook


Learn when not to use the useMemo React Hook, such as when a memoized value is not used frequently or a computation is not expensive.

Ohans Emmanuel
Mar 10, 2023 ⋅ 8 min read
React Hooks Cheat Sheet Best Practices Examples

React Hooks cheat sheet: Best practices with examples


Editor’s note: This React Hooks tutorial was last updated on 6 March 2023 to include more React Hooks best practices […]

Ohans Emmanuel
Feb 20, 2023 ⋅ 18 min read
How to initialize state using React Hooks

How to initialize state using React Hooks


Learn how to initialize state and implement advanced React component patterns using React Hooks like useState and the key property.

Ohans Emmanuel
Feb 13, 2023 ⋅ 8 min read