Kate Trahan Content Manager at LogRocket

Stories by Kate Trahan

Noa Reikhav Leader Spotlight

Leader Spotlight: Connecting the dots, with Noa Reikhav

Product Management

Noa Reikhav, VP of Product at Skai, discusses how she views product managers as “dot connectors” who bridge all the elements of a business.

Kate Trahan
Jan 16, 2024 ⋅ 8 min read
Leader Spotlight: Todd Buelow

Leader Spotlight: Changing how people work, with Todd Buelow

Product Management

Todd Buelow, VP of Product at Fingerhut, talks about the benefits of involving UX design in the discovery process and the importance of having a dynamic roadmap.

Kate Trahan
Jan 8, 2024 ⋅ 6 min read
Leader Spotlight: Ashraf Karim

Leader Spotlight: Finding your art form, with Ashraf Karim

Product Management

Ashraf Karim, VP, Product Management at Cisco, talks about the importance of honing both your product sense and technical aptitude, whether you’re an engineer or a product manager.

Kate Trahan
Jan 5, 2024 ⋅ 7 min read
Leader Spotlight Fatima Howes

Leader Spotlight: Managing by exception, with Fatima Howes

Product Management

Fatima Howes shares her team’s approach of “managing by exception” — surfacing what is different instead of what’s normal.

Kate Trahan
Dec 21, 2023 ⋅ 8 min read
Leader Spotlight: Sweating The Details, With Herman Man

Leader Spotlight: Sweating the details, with Herman Man

Product Management

Herman, CPO at Bluevine, offers his take on why engineers are becoming more invested in the user experience and seeking to understand the “why” behind the software they’re building.

Kate Trahan
Dec 20, 2023 ⋅ 8 min read
Charles Battle Leader Spotlight

Leader Spotlight: Letting the customer decide, with Charles Battle

Product Management

Charles Battle, Head of Product at Ibotta, explains how the pursuit of perfection can preclude teams from releasing the best solutions.

Kate Trahan
Dec 19, 2023 ⋅ 7 min read
Ora Solomon Leader Spotlight

Leader Spotlight: The complexities of going global, with Ora Solomon

Product Management

Ora Solomon discusses her experience at Starwood Hotels and Shutterstock and the challenges of launching products to international markets.

Kate Trahan
Dec 18, 2023 ⋅ 7 min read
Michael Lubansky Leader Spotlight

Leader Spotlight: Easing into dramatic change, with Michael Lubansky

Product Management

Michael Lubansky shares about navigating an acquisition that tripled headcount and merged five companies and four different platforms.

Kate Trahan
Dec 15, 2023 ⋅ 7 min read
Leader Spotlight Jaxon Merril

Leader Spotlight: Leading digital transformations, with Jaxon Merril

Product Management

Jaxon Merril discusses his role in leading three digital transformations at American Idol, Beachbody, and Beautycounter.

Kate Trahan
Dec 13, 2023 ⋅ 8 min read
Leader Spotlight: Meshing Product- And Sales-Led Cultures, With Carlos Jimenez

Leader Spotlight: Meshing product- and sales-led cultures, with Carlos Jimenez

Product Management

Carlos Jimenez, VP of Product at KingMakers, dispels the “dangerous” misconception that product- and sales-led cultures can’t coexist and thrive together.

Kate Trahan
Dec 8, 2023 ⋅ 8 min read
Leader Spotlight Alan Fliegelman

Leader Spotlight: Leaning into opportunity through change, with Alan Fliegelman

Product Management

Alan Fliegelman shares how his work at DHI is transforming the job search process and the various transitions he’s seen in his time there.

Kate Trahan
Dec 7, 2023 ⋅ 8 min read
Josh Schoonmaker Leader Spotlight

Leader Spotlight: The balance between assertive and kind leadership, with Josh Schoonmaker

Product Management

Josh Schoonmaker shares his approach to balancing two key leadership traits — assertiveness and kindness — and knowing when to apply each.

Kate Trahan
Dec 5, 2023 ⋅ 7 min read