Idris Lawal Idris is a software engineer, with a background in computer networking and security. He can be reached on Twitter @oluwaseunmi.

Stories by Idris Lawal

Vue logo against a background of clouds.

Building a selectable header data table with Vue.js and Vuetify


Learn how to create selectable header data tables in your Vue app with Vuetify to improve user experience.

Idris Lawal
Jan 25, 2021 ⋅ 5 min read
The Vue logo against a background of a skyline.

Vue.js simplified: Components, props, and slots


Learn how to write fast, reusable, clean code in Vue.js using components, slots, and props in this simple guide.

Idris Lawal
Dec 10, 2020 ⋅ 8 min read
An image of three logos for major browsers.

The most important features of all major browsers


This guide runs through some of the most popular browsers available today and assesses their privacy, extensions, and devtool offerings, among other features.

Idris Lawal
Oct 6, 2020 ⋅ 7 min read