Anthony Murphy Product person, agile nerd and cat herder 🐈 Founder at, PM Coach at, and Director at

Stories by Anthony Murphy

Why And How To Conduct Customer Interviews

Why and how to conduct customer interviews

Product Management

The purpose of customer interviews is not to ask for opinions or find out what customers want; it’s to unearth fundamental needs and problems.

Anthony Murphy
Nov 9, 2022 β‹… 9 min read
Agile Roadmaps: Examples, Frameworks, And How To Create One

Agile roadmaps: Examples, frameworks, and how to create one

Product Management

Whereas a typical product roadmap might show expected release dates for new features and enhancements, in agile, the notion of sticking to deadlines becomes counterintuitive.

Anthony Murphy
Sep 15, 2022 β‹… 5 min read

The RICE framework: Prioritization made simple

Product Management

The RICE scoring method can be applied consistently across even the most disparate ideas, allowing for greater objectivity in the way you prioritize.

Anthony Murphy
Sep 1, 2022 β‹… 5 min read
What Is Product Positioning? Examples, Strategies, and Template

What is product positioning? Examples, strategies, and template

Product Management

Calibrating the right perception of your product is paramount to conveying the value it brings over its competitors. Learn more about product positioning in this comprehensive guide.

Anthony Murphy
Aug 10, 2022 β‹… 6 min read
The difference between product, sprint, and release backlogs

The difference between product, sprint, and release backlogs

Product Management

Backlogs come in all shapes and sizes. Organizing your work into product, sprint, and release backlogs can help bring clarity and focus to your agile team.

Anthony Murphy
Jul 13, 2022 β‹… 6 min read
The daily scrum meeting: Overview, best practices, anti-patterns

The daily scrum meeting: Overview, best practices, anti-patterns

Product Management

When conducted effectively, the daily scrum can be a great tool for facilitating self-organization, accountability, and adaptability.

Anthony Murphy
Jun 22, 2022 β‹… 5 min read