Abhinav Anshul Doing interesting things on the Web.

Stories by Abhinav Anshul

Exploring React Router’s Data, Navigation, and Error Handling APIs

Exploring React Router’s data, navigation, and error handling APIs


React Router’s v6.4 was a minor release earlier in 2022 that introduced some groundbreaking changes for the react-router-dom package.

Abhinav Anshul
Dec 22, 2022 ⋅ 5 min read
Strict Mode In React 18

Using strict mode in React 18: A guide to its new behaviors


While Strict Mode has been a React feature for some time time, v18 makes it more efficient in catching early bugs, making the codebase more predictable.

Abhinav Anshul
Aug 23, 2022 ⋅ 5 min read